Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023

I followed your tips and went dancing alone for the first time, and i had a blast. Now i beat myself up for not doing it earlier! Looking fwd to a lot more dancing in the future. Thank you!!!

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Tatiana Gallardo

I’m here because I googled “how to go dancing alone” and I’m so thankful this popped up. I recently impulse bought 2 tickets to a festival in Oakland with pretty much the bill of my dreams and then promptly realized I will likely have to fly solo (both at the show and literally all the way from the Midwest😬). It’s over 3 months away and I’m already overcome with intense anxiety about what to do but as a mom of a young toddler/employee/partner/grad student/dancing Queen I feel like I owe it to myself, y’know? Thanks for doing this AND writing about it!

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Hi there---I tried to send you an email--but would love to talk about getting you on the podcast sometime soon. I'm at Thanksflms@gmail.com

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Tatiana Gallardo

I’m an old lady compared to y’all but I’ve been dancing and going out alone since 1995!! It’s SO MUCH FUN!!

There was (is?) a place in Pittsburgh called The Rose and they had a disco night every Sunday. I was there! They also had a stage in front of the dance floor that you could get up on to dance…I did - front and center - and had the time of my life!

So glad to read this article! You be you, and have a blast doing it 🎉🎉🎉

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022Liked by Tatiana Gallardo

Awesome article. Loved it. Dancing is not my thing, though you make me wish it were.

Going out alone sometimes is important - learning to enjoy your own company is liberating.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Tatiana Gallardo

Not to make this comment about me, but I can so identify with your piece. A mark of good writing (the illustrations are exceptional too) though, for readers to see their experience in what the writer is conveying. I’m more a solitary, head-bopping concert goer - not dance (the Cuban dance gene missed me), but I know the leaving “in a state of mind-blown euphoria” feeling. I sometimes walk around after the concert just to make the experience last. Scoping “out the situation” - yes. Helps you get your bearings. I’m usually one of the older ones in the crowd, so I’m wary of sending ‘creep’ vibes that young women especially need to be aware of. I’m not so much aware of what I’m wearing - maybe I should be?

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Tatiana Gallardo

I felt the rhythm in this piece! I am taking myself on my first true, intention filled solo date this week - ANY TIPS?!

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I love this SO MUCH! Both the theme and the execution! The illustrations are so on point: the gifs! The food truck! But the abuela is the star of this piece; the TikTok clip legit made me laugh out loud. That level of carefree joy? Lifegoals.

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Dancing in public, alone or otherwise, sounds downright terrifying. At least to me.

This post, however? Totally charming. I love the gifs!

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Tatiana Gallardo

Love this. ❤️

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Tatiana! It's always a pleasure to read your work. I have not danced alone...but I most definitely channel my Cuban abuela when I hear a beat. The TikTok was also fabulous. Keep dancing.

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L O V E D this! I am definitely a private at-home dancer (wait that kind of sounds like I'm a dancer for hire lol) but never thought of going alone to dance. Thanks for opening my eyes to this! 💗✨

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Tatiana Gallardo

I’m obsessed. My brazenface guru 😻😻😻😻

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