If you are the Tatiana that wrote this article, https://fordhamobserver.com/36084/opinions/i-hate-dogs-and-i-am-not-a-horrible-human-being/, I want to say thank you.

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Checking to see if you have a new project I can follow. I miss your updates and stories!

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Thank you for sharing your journey with us all. I feel fortunate I started reading from the beginning!

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Can't wait for your next year's adventure. And mine! I have spent years bravely shouldering (soldiering) my previous statuses... Stati? ... As Uber responsible for a dependent husband and kid and... Others. Life changed 12/31/22. I want to change with it. And crying might be part of that. And seeking adventure as a person thrice your age? Why the fuck not. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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As always, your personal observations ring so true. Do you know me? Not “a coward even though I still felt afraid all the time”. We “face new fears every single day”. That’s life, isn’t? We’re never done. I’m looking forward to more, more, more from you!

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This is incredibly powerful! Thank you for giving me the courage to begin my own project and write fearlessly. Thank you for inspiring me. For supporting me. Let us give thanks to the universe (and R/GA for introducing us)!

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Inspiring….wishing you even more growth, joy, love, and happy tears!!

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So wonderful and full of inspiration. Keep going. Let’s all keep on going. 💗

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I am so unbelievably proud of you AND inspired by you. I am so lucky to call you my friend <3 MY SOUL SISTER, REALLY I MEAN LET'S BE REAL

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I was happy to read this, thank you for letting us all be a part of your journey. Sending hugs and love.

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I love reading about you and your adventures. Lots of hugs to you.

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Reading this (news)letter put a huge smile on my face. It's inspiring all you accomplished this past year. I hope that I can come half this year as you did last year. One of my best friends I have started saying to each other (as sort of a mantra and resolution for this year) "May it be different. May it be good." Hope this for you too. Un abrazo!

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What an amazing year you've had! It's so impressive to see how you've faced your fears and enlarged your possibility space. It's not only impressive, it's downright inspiring. Thanks for sharing your stories this year. And, congratulations!

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Thank you for sharing. It helps to know we do life on similar trails

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I am so proud of you and so lucky to read your words. Thank you.

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Wow and how encouragingly honest, and so creative has been your writing! You have giving me courage to begin writing... something I've been wanting to do for a long time and feared the vulnerability needed... and your sketches with your writing is so refreshing and fun to read!! Please

DO keep on, 'cuz I am going to keep reading... ;-))!!

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